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We're seeking new volunteers!

We're seeking new volunteers!


Volunteering.  The act of giving your time, energy and knowledge to a worthy cause.  To provide a service to other people (or animals!), knowing that this service will not be acknowledged via the payment of money. Instead, you receive something much more rewarding than a payslip: a golden, shimmering dose of warm fuzzies that comes from the knowledge that you're helping your community.  You should really try it out sometime - it's great for the soul! 

At Wellington RDA, we have a great group of volunteers who perform a multitude of duties. A small taste of what we get up to includes:


  • Ride-related activities, such as leading horses, sidewalking alongside our riders, coaching rides and developing ride programmes

  • Horse-related tasks, such as grooming, feeding, exercising and general care

  • Grounds-related activities, such as mowing our lawns, spraying weeds, fixing fences and keeping the grounds shipshape

  • Admin-related functions, such as organising our newsletters, responding to phone calls and e-mails and promoting fundraising drive

We've put an advert up on Seek Volunteer; we'd love to hear from you if you have the time, energy and enthusiasm for helping a wonderful group of riders (and horses!) achieve their goals. If you have any particular skills that you think could be put to good work, great! Get in touch. If you love horses, and want to be near some spectacularly well-behaved (or not...!) ponies, get in touch. If you want to help, but aren't sure what you could do ... GET IN TOUCH! Our main requirement is that you are positive, enthusiastic, and not afraid of getting dirty!

Please refer to the link above for more information and to contact us to register your interest - thanks!



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