Your generosity through donation enables the purchase, training and care of our horses, and the purchase of equipment used in the programmes.
Wellington RDA is a registered charity so your contributions are not just meaningful but also tax-deductible.
Sponsor / Support a Horse
If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting one of our horses please contact Fiona Hunter, Committee Member, on
Typical expenses to keep our horses fit and able include:
- Energy feed for one horse for a week $5.00
- Vitamins, minerals, and supplements for one horse for a week $10.00
- Hay and roughage for one horse for a week $15.00
- Grazing for one horse for one week $20.00
- Worm treatment for one horse $25.00
- Saddler to fit one horse $45.00
- Dentistry for one horse $65.00
- Session with a physio specialist for one horse $70.00
- Farrier to fit shoes to one horse $130.00
- Annual check-up with a vet $300.00
Donate via internet banking
Please use our Bank Account details below.
Account Number: 02 0536 0015390 00
Particulars: (Your Name)
Reference: Online Donation
Email us for your information so we can provide a receipt. Include your name, address and the reference from your Internet Banking donation.
Our Supporters
THANK YOU to our funders and supporters who, without your help, our service would not be possible.
Lion Foundation
New Zealand Community Trust
Tū Manawa
Wellington Community Trust
BA Lewis
Four Winds Foundation
Grassroots Central Trust
Hutt Mana Charitable Community Grants
John Illot Charitable Trust – Rotary
Mazda Foundation
Nikau Foundation
One Foundation
Pelorus Trust
Perpetual Trust CL Turner Charitable Trust
Pub Charity
Rehabilitation Welfare Trust
TG Macarthy Trust
Trust House
Wellington City Council
Winton & Margaret Bear Charitable Trust
IHC Wellington
Nick Linguard Foundation
NZRDA Perpetual Members Trust
Wellington Children's Foundation
Animals Back In Action
Capital Fire Extinguishers Ltd
Harbour City Security
Lakeside Vet Clinic
Richard Clarkson – Farrier
Vets on Riverbank – Ōtaki