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The Big Move

The Big Move

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The Big Move


Hi everyone! 

It's been a huge week at WRDA with the shift booked in for this week. BNZ Closed for Good gave us a good head start with the packing up and we have gradually made our way through the To Do list. I thought photos would best sum up the week to date!

Anita getting picky with the half rounds for reuse at Battle Hill.


Packing up of the clubrooms.

The arena cleared and ready to relocate.



Umpteenth trailer load for Wednesday 28 September.


Chief Loader inspecting his work. Murray Chapman you are a legend!


Ready to roll! This is one of three trucks and trailers we had on the road.


Unloading at Battle Hill - Volunteers Gabs and Lynette with Saturday Rider Edi's family assisting.


Anita's four students who took time out from the school holidays to help out. L to R: Anita (Saturday volunteer), Kathryn, Suliana, Mawera and Isaac (the Vibe Team).



What on earth is all that racket interrupting our valuable grazing time!?



Trailers loaded ready for Thursday 29 September morning.


Well hello new home!!!


Vollie Therese making our shed our home.


Paul (L) and Daniel (R) installing shelving.

A larger broom may have been a bit more useful!


What loads in must load out!

Unpacking at Battle Hill.



The entrance to our new site (and Donna's car in its official park!)

The entrance to the Homestead.


Our new home all unpacked and waiting for our vollies and riders.


Our new neighbours – quiet as!


Spring Paddock with our new equi-fencing in the foreground. Our horses won’t know themselves. Huge thanks to Richard Iremonger and his team along with Rural Trading Post and Gallagher who have really helped out in the pricing department. Much appreciated!


On Saturday 1 October, the shelter, arena and yards are all being relocated to Battle Hill to await reconstruction and the horses all move on Monday 3 October.


Phew……………….. a new beginning for Wellington RDA and a huge huge thanks to all the incredible volunteers for their time and efforts packing, lugging, dragging, driving, cleaning……. 


Our amazing team of vollies: Murray and his truck and two trailers!, Andrew, Gabs, Sherrilyn, Lynette and her son Daniel, Anita and her Vibe team, Teresa, Rod, John and Edi our Saturday rider who bought along a landrover, Dad and brother! Also John from BNZ who returned after Closed for Good to give us another day and his trailer!


I really hope I haven’t missed anyone and WRDA values the time and efforts you all have put in. Over the next few days there is even more amazing volunteer effort going in and I will keep you posted of progress - until then!


Signing out,


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