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Our volunteers:

We couldn't achieve what we do without our wonderful volunteers. There's no one size fits all volunteer, they come from all kinds of backgrounds and experience.

Meet some of them here!




Kate Ogilvie, 23

Occupation Volunteer at RDA

How did you get involved in RDA?

I was unemployed and had volunteered at Kenepuru previously. I wanted to do something productive and get a purpose in my life. RDA is my therapy!

What do you like about it?

Everything! The people (volunteers and coaches), the horses and the children.

What is your RDA memory?

My first day here, everyone was so friendly, inclusive and showed me how to do everything. Everyone was very helpful and answered all my questions.


Rod Allwood

How did you get involved in RDA?

When I reached retirement age, I wanted to do some sort of volunteer work, but the main criteria that the would not make money off my efforts. A friend suggested RDA which seemed a great idea as I rode horses as a kid and coached girl's gymnastics so was used to dealing with kids.

What do you like about it?

No other activity that I have done has given me such satisfaction. The satisfaction gained from being part of the team that helps riders, initially overcome a lack of confidence around horses through to really looking forward to riding, hugging the horse and not wanting the ride to finish is priceless. 


Gabs, 20

How did you get involved in RDA?

I wanted to be around horses somehow and RDA was the answer.

What do you like about it?

RDA is the perfect balance of horsey time and improving people's lives so it is a .

What is your RDA memory?

When one of my riders came running to show me the award they got at . They were so proud of what they had accomplished, it made all the work worth it.

What might surprise people about RDA

It is SO much more than pony rides.



John, 60

How did you get involved in RDA?

I was looking for a way to work with dogs or horses.

What do you like about it

I horses.

What is your favourite RDA memory?

Being Santa on a horse!





How did you get involved in RDA?

I wanted something to do when I wasn’t working and I grew up with horses and had
worked with kids so thought I would give it a go.

What do you like about it?

I love being outdoors, hanging out with the horses and other volunteers and seeing the look on the riders faces when they have achieved something.

What is your favourite RDA memory?

I can't really pick out one memory as I have enjoyed them all!

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