Unmounted Programme
The Unmounted Life Skills Programme focuses on learning a range of skills aimed at developing and extending self-confidence, responsibility, self-esteem, participation, social engagement and interaction, recreational and vocational skills.
The programme involves on the ground horsemanship skills including learning about: safe handling of a pony, grooming and picking up feet, leading a pony, feeding, general care of a pony, and other horse care skills.
Sessions occur on a weekly basis for up to 45 minutes in length, depending on the level and ability of the client/s. We use skilled professional coaches for our programme to ensure a high degree of safety and quality learning.
The Unmounted Programme caters for individuals and groups, and is most suitable for those aged 8 years and older. The Programme is ideal for those with mental, physical and intellectual/multiple challenges that make it difficult to participate in the therapeutic horse riding programme or are above our ridden weight level. A medical consent from a doctor is required prior to participating in the programme for health and safety reasons.
There is a number of external funders that will pay for programme fees for riders. Please ask us.
The Unmounted Programme was initially piloted as a Life Skills Programme with a group of mental health clients, who gave the following feedback:
“Terrifically run programme, good range of activities and very professional.”
“Counteracts institutionalisation, encourages mindfulness and thinking about others.”
“The grooming of the horses was very therapeutic, and the tasks out in the paddocks were a great opportunity to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and exercise.”
“Challenging me to do something different and a bit of hard work makes me feel good, and gives me something to look forward to each week."
If you are interested in our Unmounted Programme we initially ask you to fill in our
WRDA Referral Request Form.
For more information please contact Wellington Riding for the Disabled Association Inc.
Phone (04) 237 5550 or email wellingtonrda@xtra.co.nz