Tiki's Retirement Party

On Saturday 9 July, staff and volunteers gathered to bid farewell to Tiki who is officially retiring from WRDA on Tuesday. Horse treats, pats, and praise were in abundance as guests dined on pizza, chips and other goodies. A special cake was the centrepiece of the celebration; it was baked by volunteer, Taylor and her mum, and decorated in the likeness of Tiki.

“Tiki is the school mistress,” Donna Kennedy said. “She’s been with the programme since 2012 and many riders have learned to canter on her. She will be missed but has earned her retirement.” Tiki, age 20 which equals 60 in people years, is owned by committee member Diane Cawley and competed in pony club before beginning her career as a therapy horse. Her therapy now will be spending lazy days grazing and trots over the hill with an occasional ride for fun and exercise.
Tiki seemed to understand the party was for her and even stood patiently for photos before eyeing the cake hopefully. She has big hoof prints to fill but we all wish Tiki well and will be sharing Tiki stories for years to come.