Moving Right Along…
Hi all, Donna here! My role at WRDA has changed and I am thrilled to have been contracted by WRDA to project manage the relocation and rebuild at Battle Hill Farm Forest Park for six months. I have taken a leave of absence from my governance position and am happy to report that the WRDA Committee is in the very safe hands of Margaret Faulkner, who is our new President for this period.
It’s great being able to focus 100% on the requirements for our move to Battle Hill and no longer having to juggle it between a full time job in the real world! As our deadlines creep closer, the pressure to progress licenses and consents has increased. Happily we have today signed our license for the short term site for up to 3 years - hurray! We'll be based on the temporary site while we go through the consultation and consenting process for the permanent site and find the funding to proceed with a large capital build.
I have spent a lot of time in meetings and talking to lots of people including the Councils, suppliers, contractors and the general public and interested parties to ensure all our ducks are in a row for the big move. Signing the license means we can develop some timelines and start communicating information in detail to all those impacted by our move. We plan to start with some initial enabling works while we wait for resource consent (for the earthworks for the arena) and building consent (for the temporary shelters for humans and horses).
Transitioning from Kenepuru to Battle Hill is planned for the school holidays 26th September to 9th October. Luckily a significant amount of site break down and pack up work was completed by the BNZ Closed for Good volunteer team last week! Thanks guys – it really did make the job a lot of fun! Boy we had some junk to clear!
It looks like the 26th and 27th of September will be clearing the Kenepuru site and the 28th to 30th of September will be focused on the relocation to Battle Hill, unpacking and setup. The second week is most likely to be the relocation of our container, shelter and arena thanks to the Stratford and Rutland families. As the details crystallise we will keep you posted but if anyone has a free pair of hands please let me know your availability. Best way to reach me is 027 235 8702 or on wellingtonrda@xtra.co.nz, attn. Donna.
Well, that’s it from me, until next time!
Happy Campers!
Margaret Faulkner, WRDA President and Donna Kennedy, Project Manager with the signed license.
Other images:
Top: Margaret Faulkner signs the license.
Middle: The Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) team, from L to R: Fiona Colquhoun - Parks Planner (GWRC), Amanda Cox - Parks Manager (GWRC), Tim Penwarden - Jigsaw Property Consulting Ltd, Margaret Faulkner, WRDA President.
Bottom: The BNZ Closed for Good volunteer team (back row) with Wednesday volunteers (front row).